Have you ever had any of the following? (Check boxes that apply):
Artificial Heart Valves or Joints
Bleeding Abnormally
Chemical Dependency
Chronic Diarrhea
Circulatory Problems
Congenital Heart Lesions
Heart Murmur
Hepatitis, Jaundice or Liver Disease
Hernia Repair
High Blood Pressure
Low Blood Pressure
Mitral Valve Prolapsed
Nervous Problems
Psychiatric Care
Radiation Treatment
Respiratory Disease
Rheumatic Fever
Sinus Problems
Swollen Neck Glands
Venereal Disease
To the best of my knowledge, the information provided on this form is complete and correct. I understand that it is my responsibility to inform my doctor of any changes in my health.
Our office policy states in the event of any employee poking him/her self with a used needle, concern to the patient and employee health a blood test must be done for any transmittal diseases. I give my consent to be escorted to the lab and have a blood test done at no charge to me.
Due to the time reserved for each patient, our office reserves the right to charge a $25 dollar fee for appointments cancelled less than 24 hours before the appointment or without notice. In the future if you have a change of phone number or address, please let us know immediately so we could update your file.
I understand that Tropic Dental Care will not use or disclose health information about me unless I consent.
I also understand that I have the right to receive and review a written description of how this Practice will handle health information about me. This written description is known as a Notice of Privacy Practices and describes the uses and disclosures of health information made and the information practices followed by the employees, staff, and other office personnel of this practice, and my rights regarding my health information.
I understand that the Notice of Privacy Practices may be revised from time to time, and that I am entitled to receive a copy of any revised Notice of Privacy Practices. I also understand that I have the right to ask that some or all of my health information not be used or disclosed in the manner described in the Notice of Privacy Practices, and I understand that this practice is not required by law to agree to such requests.