Benefits of a Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening can deliver fantastic results without risk to the health of your teeth in just one visit to the dental office. The procedure can improve the appearance of your smile and boost your confidence and self-presentation. In this article, we discuss the benefits of professional teeth whitening.


Benefits of a Professional Teeth Whitening

Nowadays, there are a lot of whitening kits and kinds of toothpaste available on the market for you to purchase and use at home. It might be tempting to do so as it is seemingly a cheaper and easier option than professional treatment. However, there are several significant advantages to professional teeth whitening procedures performed at a dental office compared to using over-the-counter solutions. Also, distinguish custom-made whitening kits provided by your dentist from kits you can buy at a local store. 

Here are some of the benefits of a professionally performed teeth whitening procedure compared to over-the-counter solutions.


Personalization of Treatment

Before choosing the right whitening solution and method for your teeth, your dentist examines the condition of the enamel and your general oral health. In some cases, your doctor might even recommend that you postpone whitening before the health of your teeth improves if they consider it the safer option for you. This helps prevent permanent negative consequences for your teeth. 

You can also discuss the results and the level of whitening you want to achieve with your dentist. Thus, the treatment’s outcome will be predictable, and your teeth will look exactly like you envisioned. 

In comparison, over-the-counter solutions are made without your oral health considerations in mind but are to be used by a general consumer with healthy teeth. As a result, using such products might lead to permanent damage to your teeth, causing nerve and root or gum inflammation. In addition, you can not predict or control the level of whitening you receive by using other-the-counter solutions.


Safe for Teeth Enamel

Teeth whitening typically involves using bleach (hydrogen peroxide) to effectively remove stains. Hydrogen peroxide makes the enamel more porous and penetrates its deeper layers to break down the dark pigment. Your dentist’s control over the procedure ensures that no permanent damage is done to the enamel, and the teeth will be able to heal completely within several days after the procedure. 

Over-the-counter solutions might permanently damage the enamel of your teeth if the solution proves to be too strong for your particular case. 


Minimal Risk of Tooth Sensitivity

Teeth whitening poses risks of tooth sensitivity due to the fact that hydrogen peroxide makes the enamel more porous. However, when it comes to professional whitening, there is minimal risk of permanent increase in tooth sensitivity. You might still experience some sensitivity for several days after the treatment, but these feelings tend to go away entirely. 


Noticeable Results

Professional teeth whitening can make your teeth up to 8 shades whiter, meaning that the appearance of your teeth can change dramatically in just one dental visit. Such results are possible to achieve because your dentist can safely use stringer whitening solutions without the risk of harming your teeth.

On the other hand, over-the-counter whitening kits tend to be much less potent than professional solutions. Thus, the results might be much less noticeable or negligible. In fact, some of the over-the-counter solutions do not contain hydrogen peroxide at all and only remove some of the surface residue without actually whitening the teeth or removing deeper stains and discoloration.  


Long-lasting Results

With proper care, some patients might expect the results of professional teeth whitening to last as long as three years. However, the exact amount of time the results will last also depends on the initial condition of the teeth and personal and hygiene habits.


Time-efficient Procedure

A teeth whitening procedure performed at a dental office can take as little as 30 to 60 minutes. The exact time might depend on the type of procedure and how whiter you want your teeth to be. In comparison, whitening teeth with over-the-counter solutions at home might take several days of wearing the trays with whitening solution.


Make an Appointment Today

Do not hesitate to call our office today and make an appointment for professional teeth whitening in Riverside. Our specialists use high-quality whitening solutions in a controlled way that allows us to predict the results of the treatment. Also, we will examine the condition of your oral health before the treatment to ensure its safety.

We look forward to your visit. 





7201 Arlington Ave # A
Riverside, CA 92503

Monday : 9 am to 6 pm
Tuesday : 9 am to 6 pm
Wednesday : 9 am to 6 pm
Thursday : By Appointment Only
Friday : 9 am to 6 pm
Saturday : By Appointment Only

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