A root canal procedure is performed when tooth day is too extensive to be treated with a dental filling. Typically, a root canal can help save a tooth from extraction. In this article, we discuss things to know ahead of your root canal procedure.
Things to Know Ahead of Your Root Canal Procedure
To avoid anxiety and stress before your root canal procedure, we recommend learning about how the procedure is performed, how long it takes, and what to do during the recovery period.
What Happens During a Root Canal Procedure
A periodontist or a general dentist typically performs a root canal procedure. The procedure is done under a local anesthetic, so it typically does not cause any significant pain or discomfort to the patient. The main objective of the procedure is to remove the infected pulp from the inner chambers of the tooth. To achieve this, your dentist will access the chambers through the tooth’s crown.
Once the infection is removed and the canals are cleaned, your doctor will fill them with a biocompatible dental material, thus sealing the tooth. In cases when the tooth is significantly weakened by infection, the dentist will place a dental crown on top of it after the root canal procedure. A dental crown provides additional protection and support to the tooth, helping it survive and withstand the strain of chewing food.
How Long Does a Root Canal Procedure Take
The length of your root canal procedure depends on factors such as the location of the tooth and the complexity of the case. However, in general, the procedure will take 60 to 90 minutes. In some cases, the time might be extended to 2 hours. Also, some patients might require several visits to the dental office to complete the procedure.
Sedation Dentistry Options for a Root Canal Procedure
Sedation dentistry might be a good option for patients who:
- Have acute dental anxiety
- Find it challenging to remain in one position for a prolonged time
- Have a high tolerance to local anesthetics
If you are concerned with any of these factors, talk to your doctor during a consultation prior to your root canal procedure. Your dentist might offer the following options for sedation dentistry:
- Oral sedation is a pill that you take by mouth before the procedure. This type of sedation makes a patient relaxed and sleepy but still keeps them able to communicate with their doctor.
- Nitrous oxide sedation, also known as laughing gas, is inhaled and has a relaxing effect, keeping the patient awake and responsive.
- IV sedation is delivered intravenously. With this type of sedation, a patient can fall asleep during the procedure and have little memory of it afterward.
Recovery After a Root Canal Procedure
Recovery from a root canal procedure typically takes several days. During this period, you might experience the following symptoms:
- Soreness in the gum at the procedure site
- Tenderness, sensitivity, or mild pain in the tooth that had a root canal
- Mild swelling in the gums around the tooth
Such symptoms are typical and will go away when the tooth and the gum tissue around it are healed. However, if the pain or swelling is severe or gets more intense as time passes, it might signify reinfection of the tooth or other issues. In this case, we recommend consulting your doctor right away.
To prompt recovery after a root canal procedure, follow these rules:
- Switch to a liquid diet in the first 24 hours after the procedure.
- After the first 24 hours, choose soft foods for the next 2 to 3 days.
- Avoid chewing food on the procedure side of the mouth for the first 2 to 3 days or until the sensitivity in the area is gone.
- Avoid smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages during the recovery period. Nicotine and alcohol slow down regeneration processes in the body.
- Take over-the-counter painkillers according to the instructions to combat the toothache.
- Rinse your mouth with a saltwater solution every 2 to 3 hours and after meals to prevent infections.
- If your dentist prescribes antibiotics, make sure to take them according to schedule.
- Apply cold compresses to the outer side of your cheek at the procedure area to relieve the pain and swelling.
Make an Appointment at Tropic Dental Care
A root canal procedure can be daunting, but an experienced and reliable dentist at Tropic Dental Care can make it comfortable and stress-free while delivering long-lasting health benefits. Do not hesitate to make an appointment with one of our specialists today. We look forward to your visit.